Pierantoni said the August trial date would stand barring any “ex- traordinary change.” In pre par atio n for the tria l, Pier anto ni dis cuss ed with de- fense attorneys and prosec utors aspects of the case, including the num ber of witn esse s, len gth of the trial and questions potential juror s will be asked.

Selenski faces the death penalty if convicted of first-degree murder. The ir bodi es wer e un- earthed from the property where Selenski was living in June 2003. Selenski, 39, of Kingston Town- ship, is awaiting trial in connec- tion with the deaths of Michae l Ker kowskiand Fasset t, both 38. “I just want it (put on) the re- cord that the defense is not re- questing this continu ance,” said Selenski’ s attorn ey, Shelley Cen- tini. He noted some evidence in the case was still outstanding and needed to be provided to the defense. Out of fairne ss to both families as well as defense attorneys and prosec utors, said Piera ntoni, he was delaying the trial until early August. 5 “I am min dfu l of eve ryo ne’ s emotions,” Judge Fred Pierantoni said of the families of both Selen- ski and Fassett, who were present at Thursday’s hearing.

“I’m ready to let it play out,” Sel en ski sai d before headin g intoa hea rin g at which his trial was postpon ed for anothe r 42 da ys it’ s no w sc he du le d to begin on Aug. WILKE S-BARRE – Accuse d mur der er Hug o Sele nsk i said Thurs day he was read y for his June 24 trial to begin on charges he killed Michael Kerkowski and T ammy Fa ssett.