
Cieslika swiatowid zbrucza
Cieslika swiatowid zbrucza

cieslika swiatowid zbrucza

The four sides of the uppermost tier have the largest figures of the idol, with four faces united beneath a tall rounded hat.Only one of four sides has a entity with a tiny 'child' figure. The middle tier shows a smaller entity with extended arms on all four sides.Three sides of the lowest tier show a kneeling, bearded entity who appears to support the upper tier on his hands the fourth side is blank.The reliefs depict the following characters: The reliefs are in rather poor condition, though some traces of original polychrome were found in the 1960s. It is possible that during the 1848 excavation of the monument its lower layer was broken off and lost. The lower tier is 67 cm (26 in) the middle tier is 40 cm (16 in) and the top tier is 167 cm (66 in). The Zbruch Idol is a four-sided pillar of grey limestone, 2.67 m (8.8 ft) in height, and has three tiers of reliefs engraved upon each of the four sides.

Cieslika swiatowid zbrucza